
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hell , A Real Place

So today I looked around my school and just kind of took a step back. Have you ever stepped back and just looked at something. Well today what I thought about was pretty horrifying. Have you ever stopped and just thought about, well not to come across as harsh, but about everyone around you that is going to @#!*% . It isn’t that God isn’t loving or sends you there because of maybe one thing you did in your childhood, but because he is holy and can have no sin in His presence. Maybe it isn’t our responsibility for others actions and decisions but it does make you want to start telling people that you maybe have been avoiding. I mean if you haven’t ever thought about the people that you pass and what there fait is if they don’t have a relationship with our Lord and Savior I challenge you to take a second and do that. If it doesn’t move you I really don’t know what will. Sunday we were talking about authenticity. I know that it is a big word but basically what it means is being passionate about your faith and not just calling yourself a Christian on Sundays. It’s talking the talk and then walking the walk. I think one of the ways that we can be so authentic in our faith is basically telling others what we know and what we have. It’s a free gift from God that we should readily be giving to others. So I challenge you in two ways; the first is I challenge you to think about others fait and what you have to offer to them. My second challenge for you is to be more authentic in your faith and walk. (Trust me, I need work in both as sharing my faith in my high school still scares me quite a bit and my faith is not where it should be, or not to the degree that I wish it to be. I guess I have a lot of praying to do tonight!) I hope you have a wonderful day and I hope that your day reflects the God that we serve.   


  1. I agree with you. I can't imagine someone who truly believes never thinking about that. Nice blog. Keep it up.

  2. Thanks for checking it out! I am really glad that you enjoyed reaing this!
