
Saturday, December 25, 2010

Bored....Spiritually Bored?

I ran into a problem today. It wasn't big, but it definitely was a problem. I became bored. Gasp, what, a teen becomes bored, breaking news! Yea, it happens to all of us and more then we realize. I didn't realize how much time I was going to have on this break and well, I am out of ideas on what to do. This got me to thinking though, about what I can do with my life, like a hobby. I talked with my mom about it and we prayed about it but she did tell me one thing. I wrote both her and my dad poems for Christmas this year. I wrote them at one in the morning as well after I did my devotion time and went through my time that I spend with God. I decided that I wanted to do something different for them, and something with a homemade touch if you know what I mean. My mom told me I had a talent in writing and I should use my time to write. Seeing as I will be heading out of town most likely in the next day and will have zero computer access, it might be a good idea so I don't go crazy. The only problem I seem to have is that I can never sit down and finish something very easily. Even a poem that has four or five stanzas with four lines in each. I know it sounds crazy, but I just can't do it. So I guess my question for you would be, would you be interested in reading some of them if I posted them and should I pursue this? I really do want some feedback because I am not totally sure on what to do.
Secondly, I really started thinking about the whole idea of being bored and how you could apply to your own spiritual life. Take a minute and evaluate your life, do you read the same devotions year in and year out, or maybe the same chapter of the Bible every year? To me that is being spiritually boring. I am not saying that it is bad to go back and look at something again or reread the same thing but I guess it just has to do with your attitude while you spend your time with God. See, our God wants a relationship with us, and not just some flimsy one but a deep and lasting one. There has to be a two way street though, one person can't do all the work. So if you are putting no effort into the relationship with God by taking the steps to further your relationship with him, I am considering you to be spiritually bored which can quickly lead to spiritual sickness if you leave it go to long. So my underlying challenge to you is not to be spiritually bored. Get yourself active in your seeking heart and relationship with God because he will come like a thief in the night, whether you are ready or not. 


  1. I say post the writing so all can read.

  2. YES! You should definitely pursue writing and post your poems here (if you end up enjoying it of course.) I love poetry (writing and reading it). Actually, God has even used poetry as a comfort for me in difficult times when it's the only way for me to express myself.

    Your right about spiritual boredom. Not that long ago, I realized that I was spiritually bored and since then I have been trying to build a better relationship with God. It is tough sometimes but definitely worth it.

  3. Hey Ben,
    You probably dont know that i read your blog, but jeff told me about his and then I saw yours too so I figured I would read it :). Its been an encouragement to read the things you lay bare before your reader that we all privately think about. Anyways, all this to say that I would love to read your poetry. So let the creative juices flow!

  4. I am so excited that you are reading my blog. It is an honor to have someone that I respect greatly in the youth group, and someone that I look up to reading my blog.

  5. Hello Ben,
    I'm starting to follow your blog snince you followed mine. ANyway, writing would be great! Especially if you posted some. God needs people who will write for His glory, and if you have a talent use it for Him! I read part of this post, and I got the feeling God wants you to write, honestly,
